

The title of this page, "ami," is a simple yet powerful word that holds a lot of meaning. In French, "ami" means "friends." And this page is dedicated to sharing some of the friends of Jun Long, in the realm of research, science, and technology, as well as corporate services. 

Jun Long has had the privilege of working with some of the brightest minds in the field, and has formed strong connections with many of his colleagues and peers. These individuals are not just colleagues, but friends who share a common passion for advancing knowledge and pushing the boundaries of what is possible.

The people featured on this page are researchers, scientists, and technologists who are working in related fields in Singapore and also the corporate supporting departments.. They are experts in their respective fields, and have made significant contributions to the advancement of knowledge, not only in their specialized area but also in the business aspect. From cutting-edge research in artificial intelligence, to pioneering work in biotechnology and providing efficient corporate services, these individuals are at the forefront of their fields.

Many of these friends of Jun Long have been working together for years, collaborating on research projects and sharing ideas. They have a deep understanding of one another's work and are able to provide valuable feedback and support. This close-knit community is essential for the advancement of science, technology and business, as it allows for the free flow of ideas and the ability to build on one another's work.

This page is not just a celebration of Jun Long's friends, but also a celebration of the collaborative spirit that drives progress in these fields and the importance of corporate excellence in the business world.

⚠️ Disclaimers applies  


A friend is someone with whom one has a strong tie of affection. Friendships may develop between persons of any age, gender, or background, and they can take many different forms. Friends can give emotional support and companionship if they have same interests, hobbies, or ambitions. Friendships may be strengthened by sharing experiences, communicating, and being vulnerable. While friends may not always agree or view things the same way, real friendship is founded on trust, understanding, and the willingness to forgive. Friendships may have a big influence on one's general happiness and well-being.

Friends and Friendship

The definition of the word "friend" has changed with time and has been used for a very long time. The word's roots can be found in the Old English noun "frond," which denoted a lover, companion, or relative. The phrase was given a more defined meaning throughout the Middle Ages, which was "one bound to another by affection or confidence."

On the other hand, the idea of friendship has been around for even longer. Whether it is with family members, love partners, or other members of their communities, humans have always developed strong relationships with one another. People have treasured friendships for their companionship, support, and feeling of community throughout history.

The concept of friendship was highly valued in ancient Greece. Aristotle, a Greek philosopher, wrote extensively on the importance of friendships and saw them as a necessary component of a happy existence. He held that there were three different kinds of friendships: those that served a purpose, those that were enjoyable, and those that served moral principles.

Modern society has a looser understanding of what a friend is and is more open-minded about the idea of friendship. We can become friends with people we meet on social media, online, or even with someone we've only met once but stay in touch with. Friendship today encompasses a wider range of people than only those we see frequently or have known for a long time.

In general, the history of the word "friend" and the idea of "friendship" is lengthy and rich, and it shows the value that people have put on close bonds with one another across time.

Friendship vs Companion


Friendship and companionship are related concepts, but they are not synonymous.

Friendship implies a deeper emotional connection and mutual understanding between two people. Friendships are often formed over time as a result of shared experiences and interests. They are characterized by feelings of trust, loyalty, and mutual support. Friendships can be formed between anyone, regardless of age, gender, or background.

Companionship, on the other hand, refers to the state of being in close proximity to another person, usually in a non-romantic context. The word companion is derived from the Latin words "com-" which means "with" and "panis" which means "bread." Originally, this term referred to people who shared bread together. People who share a common goal or activity, such as traveling companions or workout companions, are often referred to as companions. It implies a shared experience, but it does not always imply the same level of emotional connection as friendship.

Friendship and companionship can both be important and meaningful parts of our lives. We may have companions who are also friends, but we may also have companions who are not friends. For example, a person may have a companion with whom they play chess but do not share a deep emotional bond, whereas they may have a friend with whom they do not play chess but do share a deep emotional bond.

In conclusion, while friendship and companionship have certain characteristics, they are distinct concepts that reflect various elements of human interactions. Friendship is founded on a stronger emotional bond and mutual understanding, whereas companionship is based on shared experiences and activities. Both are vital, and both may offer us joy and contentment.


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Non-Researcher Links

Petrina HO

📷 Photographer | Technophile | Science & Knowledge Enthusiast | Gamer


Frederick CHEW

👑 Friendly big boss


Cheng Wah FONG

🖋️ Blogger | Leadership | Public Relation


Researcher Links

Listed in order of h-index. For more information on h index please click here.

Xiaoli LI

Chinese name characters: 李晓黎

👨‍🏫 Machine Learning Guru

URL: | Google Scholar (h-index 62)

Nancy F. CHEN

👨‍🏫 Language Intelligence Guru from MIT and Harvard

URL: | Google Scholar (h-index 24)




friend, research, researchers, creator, innovator, outreach, science, technology, innovation, links, i2r, astar, A*STAR research, h index, h-index, hindex, limjunlong, designation


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